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There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.
Mostly Sunny
Hi: 75
Saturday Night
Partly Cloudy
Lo: 41
Mostly Cloudy
Hi: 48
Sunday Night
Lo: 39
Rain Showers Likely
Monday Night
Rain Showers
Slight Chance Rain Showers
Hi: 50
Tuesday Night
Chance Rain Showers
Lo: 33
Extended Weather Forecast
Water Level on 2/8: 827.16 (-8.84)
Water Level Details
GOOD. Water slightly stained; 53 degrees; 8.83 feet below pool. Lake Bridgeport is close to nine feet low. The water is slightly stained with temps in the mid 40s to the lower 50s. The farther north you go, the warmer water you will find. All ramps are open. Catfish are good on cut bait in the Three Fingers area has been best. Hybrids and sand bass are fair on slabs and deadstick plastic baits. Whatever baits you use, fish them slowly! Look for the fish to start concentrating north if warmer air temps continue. Largemouth bass are fair on swimbaits and jig and pig combinations. Look for the warmest, sheltered water you can find. Northern coves and points with deep water nearby are a good place to look. Report by Keith Bunch, Lake Bridgeport Guide Service.
Eagle Mountain Lake
Lake Granbury
Lake Texoma
Moss Lake
Possum Kingdom Lake